Sharing an abridged and "fast and loose" translation of my favorite modern Hassidic text...
“And you
shall count for yourselves from the morrow of the Sabbath, from the day of
bringing the Omer sheaf, seven whole weeks, until the morrow of the seventh
Sabbath you shall count fifty days – and then bring a new offering of grain to
the Lord: Two loaves of bread…” (Leviticus 23:15-17)
We must understand the
significance of this “new offering of grain”; and why the Torah doesn’t give a
specific date for Shavuot, only naming it the fiftieth day; and why we count
forty nine days when it says to count fifty. And through these questions we can
understand the deeper purpose of the Counting of the Omer.
For the entire period from
Passover until Shavuot is one unit, in which the Exodus out of Egypt is
completed. For the entire purpose of Passover is that it is “the time of our
freedom”, in other words to exit into freedom from the enslavement to Pharaoh
in Egypt – meaning the enslavement to the klipa, the external shell of
Egypt. But this liberation is not completed until Shavuot, for “you do not have
anyone as free as one who busies themselves with Torah”, and as it says “When
you liberate the people out of Egypt – you shall come and worship me on this
mountain” – meaning that the liberation from Egypt is only complete when
you have worshipped Me at Sinai. For the Exodus and the Receiving of the Torah
are one thing and stand on a continuum. For until a Jew goes through the period
of cleansing and arrives so at the Receiving of the Torah – there is no
complete “time of our freedom”.
Thus the period of Sefirat haOmer
includes two aspects. The first is the completion of the Exodus, as it says in
the “Divrei Moshe”:
[…] Just as the Exodus
is mentioned in the Torah in regard to the commandments fifty times – so there
are fifty aspects of leaving Egypt. And even after having left Egypt in one
aspect – there are still many more aspects to be liberated from, up to fifty
times. And in these fifty are included all the personal traits and attributes.
For in each of them there is an aspect of Exodus. As the midrash states on the
word “hamushim - armed did Israel leave Egypt”, to read “hamushim - only
one in fifty left Egypt” that on the first day of Passover they were liberated
from only one portion in fifty out of Egypt, and they were liberated in only
one aspect of the 50 required for completion. And they had to go through
another forty-nine days until they could leave out of all 50 aspects of the
Thus the goal of Sefirat haOmer
is being a continuation of the “time of our freedom”: that in every day we have
an exodus out of one more element of Egypt, until we reach the telos of the
Exodus – which is the receiving of the Torah. And this is the point of the 49
days of the counting – to purify us from our shells and impurities – in other
words to be liberated and redeemed from all fifty aspects of the impurity of
Based on this we can understand
why it says “you shall count fifty days”, for the number fifty includes also
the first day of Passover, during which we are liberated from the first part of
fifty of the Exodus, and then during the other days we leave the other 49
aspects. Now we can understand the need for the counting to be complete, such
that if one missed one day of the counting – they can only count without saying
the blessing. For every day of the Omer has an aspect of the Exodus, and if you
missed one – you have not fully left Egypt.
Moreover, the counting must be
continuous from the first day of Passover. Because all of the energy of the
days of the counting come from the illumination of the first day of Passover.
As the Rabbi Moshe of Koznitz says:
The first night of passover has an aspect of expansive mind (gadlut
mohin) – for the light comes directly from the Creator unnaturally and
suddenly – and then this expansiveness disappears and the person falls into
smallness of mind (katnut) and a person must then collect the holy
lights gradually one after the other in the days of the Counting (Sefirah),
to elevate from one aspect (sefirah) to the next and to elevate
themselves each time more and more until the holy day of Shavuot arrives, the
day of the Receiving of our Torah, to arrive at that point to the essence of
that first illumination from the first day of Passover – for that illumination
gives power to the person to return to their initial strength. And all this is
possible thanks to the light revealed on the first day of Passover, and even
though that light disappears – there is still the trace of it (reshimu)
from which one can get the power needed later in the days of Counting to
strengthen and climb from one aspect to the next, each day a little more, until
they arrive at Shavuot to that same initial illumination.
The second aspect to the Counting
of the Omer is in its being a preparation for Shavuot and the receiving of the
Torah. This aspect is rooted in what Rabbi Hayim Vital says: that the
purification of one’s personal traits, the work of the midot, is in itself the
creation of a chair and carrier in which to receive the Torah. For as long as a
Jew does not purify their traits, they cannot receive the Torah, and the Torah
cannot reside in them. Therefore as a preparation for receiving the Torah God
gave us these days of Counting – during which the work is to purify our traits
so that we will be worthy of receiving the Torah.
And they say in the holy books
that the 49 days of Counting equal in gimatriya Lev Tov לב טוב – a good heart, which alludes to all the traits relating to
interpersonal behavior, bein adam lehavero. As it says in Pirkei Avot:
“Rabbi Yohhana ben Zakkai had five students and asked them: “Go and find what
is the best trait a person can seek for themselves… and Rabbi Elzazar ben Arakh
said: Lev Tov, a good heart; and R. Yohnan ben Zakai said: I see the words of
Ben Arakh for his trait includes all of yours.” For the heart is the source and
root of all personal traits.
furthermore 49 in gimatriya is El Hai אל חי – Living God. As the AR”I, R. Isaac Luria, says is the name of
the sefirah of Yesod, that when one purifies themselves in this sefirah
they can feel the beating pulse of Divinity.
So the role
of the days of the Sefirah is to purify and distill all the traits, both those
relating to interpersonal behavior, seeking to achieve a Good Heart - Lev Tov,
and those relating to one’s relationship to God – to achieve the experience of
Living God, El Hai. For this is the true preparation needed in order to receive
the Torah on Shavuot - dependent on the
work of distillation which takes place on the days of the Omer.
And as the
Maharal of Prague wrote, that the true wholeness in a person requires three
elements: Whole with the creator, whole with their companions, whole with themselves.
And it is this type of wholeness which a person must strive for during this
period, so that they will be worthy of the Torah residing within them. Thus the
days of the Counting are a period of purification of our personal traits in
order to receive the Torah. […]
And from
this we can understand what the Torah means when it says “you shall count
fifty days, and offer up and new grain offering to the Lord” (Lev. 23) –
for this is the purpose of the days of Counting, that once a Jew has purified
themselves and distilled their traits during seven whole weeks, then they will
attain on Shavuot to “offer a new offering to God” in receiving the
Torah. As it says in the Kli Yakar that the “new offering” refers to the
Torah, as the Rabbis say “ every day the words of the Torah should appear to you
as new” and each and every year these is a new receiving of the Torah. And this
is why no exact date is given for Shavuot in the Torah – because the receiving
of the Torah is dependent on the continuum which begins with the first day of
Passover, and all the days from Passover, through the counting, until Shavuot –
are all one continuous unit. And the more one invests in the work of purifying
their traits and the work of interpersonal relations – so do they achieve a
higher aspect of the Torah on Shavuot.
For the
continuum works thus: The initial illumination which God shines on from high is
an awakening from above (it’aruta d’leila) – for such is the
“passing over” of Passover – and it all but disappears. Yet it leaves a trace
throughout the 49 days which allows the Jewish person to slog and toil in
refining their traits – creating an awakening from below (it’aruta
d’letata). And it is based on this toil that the Jewish person creates the ingredients
from which to offer a “new offering” on Shavuot, and arrive ready to receive
the elevated illuminations of Shavuot and the Torah.
And my
grandfather, in the Beit Avraham, says on the verse “and you shall count for
yourselves from the morrow of the Sabbath” – counting (“sefartem” ספרתם) refers to the word sapir, illumination, in other words
“sefratem lachem” - create for yourselves illuminations. And these
illuminations refer specifically to the elements of “on the morrow of the
Sabbath” – that the work of Sefirat haOmer should be specifically in the
“secular” and concrete elements of life, those of the “morrow of the Sabbath”.
[…] For the seven days of Teshuva between Rosh haShana and Yom Kippur are for
transgressing the forbidden, for correcting outright sins, but the seven weeks
of the Omer are for finding elevation and holiness within that which is
permitted, the bodily pleasures. […]
And thus we
can explain why on Shavuot the offering in the temple was of two loaves of
bread. For bread has two meanings in the Torah – actual bread, and sexual
intercourse (as it says in relation to Joseph and Potiphar - “he allowed him
all but the bread which he eats”). And this is the new grain offering we
are asked to offer at the end of the fifty days.
This explains
the contradiction regarding Hametz on Passover and Shavuot. For during Passover
one must annihilate all hametz, implying that one must distance themselves from
hametz in totality, and yet during Shavuot the Torah commands us to bring an
offering of two loaves that are specifically made of hametz.
And we can
explain this by relating to the two aspects which are called “bread”. That
indeed before one purifies themselves in those two elements – food and sex, which
are called bread – one must treat them like hametz, like something which is
totally unnecessary. For while one is stuck in the 49 aspects of impurity, one
cannot offer up an offering to God from among that which is impure. But once
one has gone through the process of purification of the 49 days of counting, once
they have purified themselves in those elements of “the morrow of the Sabbath”,
then they can offer a new offering to God, even one that is from Hametz.
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